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How do I know if a candidate is vetted?

Look for the “Vetted” badge on their profile.
Stacey Lake
Updated 2 weeks ago
Lawfecta’s vetting process ensures that attorneys have access to high-quality, reliable legal professionals. Candidates who complete our vetting process receive a “Vetted” badge on their profile, indicating that they have met our professional standards.

Our vetting process includes:
✔️ Background Check – We verify that candidates have no criminal history or ethical violations that could impact their credibility and trustworthiness.
✔️ Reference Verification – Candidates must provide three professional references, which we personally review to ensure their work experience and reputation align with our standards.
✔️ Résumé Review & Experience Confirmation – We validate that candidates’ work history, legal expertise, and skills match what they advertise in their profiles.

🔎 Why Choose a Vetted Candidate?
  • Reduced hiring risk – Know that you’re working with verified professionals.
  • Faster hiring decisions – Skip the legwork and connect with pre-screened candidates.
  • Higher quality talent – Vetted members have demonstrated real legal experience and positive references.
While non-vetted candidates may still be qualified professionals, hiring a vetted candidate adds an extra layer of security and confidence to your decision.
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